Emanuele, Pet Walker in Bratislava

Bratislava Dog Care @ Bratislava

od Emanuele     (3 Recenzie)

  Bratislava, Bratislava Region | Prechádzka so psom

Hi my name is Emanuele and i’m 21 years old and i’m from Italy i always loved dogs since i was a child and i would like to take care of dogs since for now i cannot have one all mine
i never had my own digs but my uncle had one so for lot of time i was with him
i think you should choose me because i really love dogs and i love doing long walks with them
i love to be surrounded by pets they always full of joy and love to give

Zručnosti a kvalifikácie

Skúsenosti s výcvikomSkúsenosti s výcvikom

O Bratislava Dog Care




EUR i would love to walk around the city with your dogs and take care of them long walks in the nature play with them

Vzdialenosť, ktorú som ochotný/á cestovať k tebe domov.

1-5 km1-5 km

Akceptované veľkosti pes

1-5 kg

1-5 kg

5-10 kg

5-10 kg

Dĺžka každej prechádzky.

1 hodina1 hodina

Last minute rezervácie.



Služba poskytovaná Emanuele, Prechádzka so psom sa nachádza v blízkosti Bratislava, Bratislava Region. Rezervuj cez PetBacker pre poistenie, ochranu platby a 24/7 podporu.

3 Recenzie


augusta 25

I haven't always had positive experiences with dog sitters, it happened to me that they arrived late or with a broken leash, Emanuele instead was precise and took care of my little princess Nancy. He also turned out to be a nice person, I will definitely turn to him again  


augusta 25

Yesterday was a really complicated day for me and I was in trouble, because I didn't know where to leave my little Lully, so I turned to Emanuele who took care of her impeccably and on my return my little girl was more joyful than never.


augusta 25

Emanuele took care of my beloved golden retriver puppy Max and was super helpful, I will definitely get back to him. I recommend that you trust him.

Služby & Ceny

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Prechádzka so psom

Urob rezerváciu



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Ďalšie služby od Emanuele

Emanuele Day Care
Denná starostlivosť o zvieratko

Uži si rezerváciu cez Petbacker Prémiové poistenie, 24/7 podpora, záruka rezervácie, bezpečné bezhotovostné platby, aktualizácie pomocou fotografií - buď v obraze a ďalšie!

Od EUR 10 /prechádzka

  3 Recenzie